The Backup Archive System “VersionBackup” does more than only creating backups. It additionally manages the backup stock. The result is a backup archive with multiple benefit.
This is the prerequisite for easy and save data recovery from any day in the past.

VersionBackup Master is the Backup Archive System for Single User PCs and Network PCs.

To save the data of a server, VersionBackup Server provides specialized features.

With VersionBackup Client, any workstation user can use the backups, which have been centrally created by the Server. for his recovery purposes.

The most flexible Recovery solution is named “VersionBackup Gnome”. It enables you to recover the data at any PC.








Storing data in a Backup Archive with version management





Selection of the file versions to be recovered in a special browser





Seamless integration of all external Archive Media within the Backup Browser





Automatic Reconstruction of complete directories from different Incremental Backups and Full Backups





Backup encryption





Archiving on external data carriers, burning the backups to CD or DVD





Backup Creation or Archiving to USB Sticks or USB Drives





Backup Creation or Archiving to the network





Online backup to the Internet





Data compression





New: Selection between different backup versions from one day for the recovery





Operation as NT Service with no user logged in





Automatic e-mail notification about the copy success





Scripts for individual extra functions





Client-Server Coupling





Configurable delete function (Automatic or Expert Mode)





Compared to other backup systems, VersionBackup will give you four essential advantages:

  • Increased security by longer data keeping time
  • Reduced cost
  • Faster access to the backups
  • Increased usability



VersionBackup Master

Microsoft© Windows XP©, Vista©, Windows 7© and Windows 8.0©


VersionBackup Server

additionally Windows 2003 Server© and Windows 2008 Server©

Legal Conditions

License Agreement VersionBackup Master

License Agreement VersionBackup Server